- Л.А.Балагуров, С.О.Климонский, С.П.Кобелева, А.Ф.Орлов, Н.С.Перов, Д.Г.Яркин «О природе ферромагнетизма в полупроводниковом оксиде TiO2-d:Co» Письма в ЖЭТФ 79 (2) (2004) 111-112.
- A.S. Antonov, N.A. Buznikov, A.B. Granovsky, N.S. Perov, A.F. Prokoshin, A.A. Rakhmanov, A.L. Rakhmanov, Nonlinear magnetoimpedance effect in soft magnetic amorphous wires extracted from melt, Sensors and Actuators, 106 (2003) 208-211.
- A.A. Rakhmanov, N. Perov, P. Sheverdyaeva, A. Granovsky, A.S. Antonov, The temperature dependence of the magneto-impedance effect in the Co-based amorphous wires, Sensors and Actuators, 106 (2003) 240-242.
- E.A. Gan'shina, N.S. Perov, M.Yu. Kochneva, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, C.G. Kim, C.O. Kim., Weak magnetic field annealing effect on magneto-optical and magnetostatic properties of Co-based amorphous ribbons, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 254-255 (2003) 428-430.
- N.S. Perov, Foreword, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 258-259 (2003) xi.
- A. Radkovskaya, N. Perov, A. Sivov, A. Getman, N. Sudarikova, Magnetostatic Properties of Thin Fe films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 258-259 (2003) 57-60.
- N.S. Perov, N.Yu. Sudarikova, A.A. Bagrets, The magnetic properties of the systems of the ultra-fine particles, Journal of Magnetics (Korean Magnetic Society) 8 (1) (2003) 7-12.
- Н.С. Перов, Николай Сергеевич Акулов, М. МГУ, Физический факультет, 2003, 116с.
- E.A. Gan'shina, C.G. Kim, C.O. Kim, M.Yu. Kochneva, N.S. Perov, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, Magnetostatic and magneto-optical properties of Co-based amorphous ribbons, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 239 (2002) 484-486
- A. Radkovskaya, A.A. Rakhmanov, N. Perov, P. Sheverdyaeva, A.S. Antonov, The thermal and stress effect on GMI in amorphous wires, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 249 (2002) 113-116.
- J. C. Niepce, D. Stuerga, T. Caillot, J.P. Clerc, A. Granovsky, M. Inoue, N. Perov, G. Pouroy, A. Radkovskaya, The magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles produced by microwave flash synthesis of ferrous alcoholic solutions. IEEE Trans. Magn. 38 (2002) 2622-2624.
- N.S. Perov, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, M. Inoue, Effect of magnetic field on the electrode potential of metals, Journal of Applied Physics, 91 (10)(2002) 8557-8559.
- E.A. Gan'shina, N.S. Perov, M.Yu. Kochneva, P.M. Sheverdyaeva, C.G. Kim, C.O. Kim. Depth profiles of magnetic anisotropy in annealed Co-based amorphous ribbons. Journal of Applied Physics, 91 (10) (2002) 8438-8440.
- M.V. Sedova, A.L. Dyachkov, T.A. Furmanova, N.S. Perov, Post-processing and processing treatment and their effect on structure and properties of Finemet films, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 287 (2001), 1-3 (июль), 104-109
- А. М. Глезер, С. Г. Зайченко, Н. С. Перов, Е. А. Ганьшина, Низкотемпературный DT-Эффект В Аморфных Сплавах, Известия Академии Наук. Серия ФизическаЯ, 2001, том 65, № 10, с. 1472-1477
- S.A.Gudoshnikov, P.E.Rudenchik, L.V.Matveets, O.V.Snigirev, B.Ya.Liubimov, N.S.Perov, E.A.Gan’shina, A.S.Antonov, A.L.D’achkov, M.V.Sedova, SQUID microscope for Magnetic Structure Visualization in Magnetoimpedance Elements, IEEE Transactions on Appied Superconductivity, 11 (1) (2001) 223-225.
- A.A. Novakova, T.Yu. Kiseleva, O.V. Agladze, N.S. Perov, B.P. Tarasov, The effect of hydrogen incorporation in the nanocrystalline iron particles on their magnetic properties, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 26 (2001) 503-505.
- N.Perov, A.Radkovskaya, A vibrating Sample Anisometer, Proceeding of 1&2 Dimensional Magnetic Measurements and testing, Austria, Bad-Gastain,20-21 September, 2000, Vienna Magnetic Group report, 2001, pp.104-108.
- A.Granovsky, N. Perov, O. Filippov, A. Rakhmanov, J.P. Clerc, P. Bares, Mixtures of ferromagnetic and non-magnetic beads as a model of granular alloys: magnetic properties and impedance, J. Materials Science Forum 373-376 (2001) 573.
- S.G.Zaichenko, N.S.Perov, A.M.Glezer, E.A.Gan’shina, V.M.Kachalov, M.Calvo-Dalborg, and U.Dalborg. "Low-temperature irreversible structural relaxation of amorphous metallic alloys" Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 215-216, p.297-299.(2000)
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- Gan'shina E.A., Granovsky A.B., Guschin V.S., Perov N.S., Radkovskaya A.A. " Magnetic and magnetooptical properties of the (Fe30Co70)xAg1-x systems.", Journal on magnetism and magnetic materials (JMMM), v.160, p.335-337, 1996.
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- Aнтонов А.С., Гадецкий С.Н. Грановский А.Б., Дьячков А.Л., Перов Н.С., Прокошин А.Ф. Усов Н.А. Лагарьков А.Н. "Гигантский магнитоимпеданс в аморфных и нанокристаллических мультислоях". Физика металлов и металловедение, т. 6, стр. 60-71, 1997
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- Инби Дун, В.Е.Зубов, Н.С.Перов, "Исследование статических магнитных характеристик неоднородных по толщине CoNi пленок." ЖТФ, том 67, №3 стр.63-66, 1997.
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- M.Zakharenko, M.Babich, I.Yurgelevich, S.Zaichenko, N.Perov, “Magnetic properties of the 3d-based metallic glasses at ductile-brittle transition”, J. Phys. IV, 8, p.59- 62, 1998.
- Minoru Matsumoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Junji Tani, Alexander N. Vasil'ev and Nikolai S. Perov, "Phase Transformation of Ni2+xMn1-xGa", Proceedings of the Japan-France Seminar on Intelligent Materials and Structures, Sendai, Japan, pp. 247-250, 1997.
- S.G.Zaichenko, A.M.Glezer, E.A.Gan’shina, N.S.Perov, and V.M.Kachalov, "The effect of irreversible change of structure and physical properties of amorphous alloys after low-temperature treatments", Doclady Physics, 44, No8, p.545-547, 1999.
- С.Г.Зайченко, А.М.Глезер, Е.А.Ганьшина, Н.С.Перов, В.М.Качалов, "Эффект необратимого изменения структуры и физических свойств аморфных сплавов после низкотемпературных воздействий", Доклады Академии наук, том 367, №4, с.478-480, 1999.
- N.Perov, A.Vasil'ev, M.Matsumoto, T.Takagi, J.Tani, "Magnetic properties of Ni2+xMn1-xGa (shape memory alloy)", Journal of magnetic society of Japan, 23, No1-2, p.626-627, 1999.
- N.Perov, A.Radkovskaya, N.Usov, L.Zakharchenko, "Short amorphous micro-wires magnetic properties and structure", Journal of magnetic society of Japan, 23, No1-2, p.628-630, 1999.
- S.G.Zaichenko, N.S.Perov, E.A.Gan’shina, V.M.Kachalov, A.M.Glezer, and E.V.Kim, "Cooling treatment effect on soft magnetic amorphous alloys properties", Journal of magnetic society of Japan, 23, No1-2, p.570-571, 1999.
- N.Perov, A.Radkovskaya, A.Antonov, N.Usov, S.A.Baranov, V.S.Larin, A.V.Torkunov, "Magnetic properties of short amorphous micro-wires", Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 196-197, p.385-387, 1999.
- S.G.Zaichenko, N.S.Perov, A.M.Glezer, E.A.Gan’shina, V.M.Kachalov, M.Calvo-Dalborg, and U.Dalborg, "New metastable state in soft magnetic amorphous alloys after low-temperature influence: experimental and theoretical consideration", Proceedings of Moscow International Symposium on magnetism (MISM'99), Moscow, MSU, p.324-326, 1999.